The new album REINVENTION from Irish explores life. We are all on a journey. It will end. We live inside our heads. We will soon cease to be as we are. From it there is no escape. The sparkle disappears. Would we just wait for it to happen? Understand it, desire it. Go by what you feel. Become what you can be. Believe in being able to move on. Reinvent you. They still believe.
REINVENTION is an album of unsettling energy with sinister guitar tones, darkwave hypnotic synths, turbulent guitars and bass, gravelly intense vocals. A deeper purpose lives within the walls of the mind. Immerse yourself in a classic goth synth rock treasure trove.
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MOVMENT video for the song THE LIGHT GOES OUT:
MOVMENT are an alternative post punk band from Ireland. They have released 2 albums, Broken Down and Transformation, and 1 EP, Red Death Sessions.

Movment have been writing songs together for a long time. They create music, sounds and noise that is straightforward and they tell it like it is. They use drums, bass, guitars, synths, and tools that excite them. Atmosphere, turbulence, and truthfulness are at the heart of what they do. They are dark, strong, immediate, and real. Through their music you meet them face to face.